Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"I'm Praying for You"

·         My first post! Woohoo! Well I do want to use this blog for giving fashion advice, for finding some of my favorite recipes, beautiful pictures, and interior design, BUT I also want to use this blog for my thoughts on life and about my walk with God. So be prepared anything when you’re reading my blog! Today I am having thoughts about guys (when am I not..ha) and if they are “genuine”. I am in no rush to be dating anyone, but when I do find “the right guy” I want to know he is genuine. I want a man of God but I know to have a man of God, I first need to be a woman of God.  But lately it seems like guys will do anything or say anything to get the attention of girls. It’s one thing to lie about cheating or about what you were doing, but when you drag God into the mix it gets personal. A few months ago I was seeing/talking to a guy who told me he was “praying for me” and he himself has a blog about God and his walk with God. He sounds pretty legit right? He even went to church with me, bought devotional books and had a journal for us. He really made it appear to me that he was a man of God and a man of his word. BUT I am not naïve AND am smarter than people give me credit for! Comes to find out this “man of God” had been lying to me about his past, and the current future and was not who he said he was. I mean I hate liars but when you are lying about your faith and your using your faith to get girls like myself, it’s just plain wrong! So now when a guy tells me he is praying for me... I am kind of alarmed or I find myself questioning the sincerity of it. Which is terrible! I want a guy who is praying for me and who I am praying for them but how do you really know if it’s just a lure to get you? Or if maybe they might just be that guy for you who really does love Jesus and really is praying for you. I want to believe someone when they say “I am praying for you”. I guess I write this (rant) to alarm women to guard their hearts which is what the Bible tells us to do in Proverbs 4:23, “Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.” And I know one day that when a guy says he is praying for me… he really is praying for me J Well this was just what was running thru my mind today…